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What Happens When You And An Opponent End Up In This Situation?

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Omoutreachtim | 10:28 Wed 11th Aug 2021 | Gaming
6 Answers
Can anyone tell the rule here?


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What game? What situation? Most games have three conclusions, win, loss or draw!
if you tried to post a photo with your question it wont work
You loose.
@SlackAlice No, there are actually 4 conclusion to any game it's either loose, win, draw, or a third party shows up and all initial players loose while the 3rd wins. Well... 5 technically but that involvse changing the rules of the game, and by that point it won't be the same game. unless the rules allow multiple winners then that comes down to who wins first if 2 parties are competing.
Too much gaming destroys brain cells.

Answer the first post by SlackAlice.

Heaven help us !

neo wants to become a software engineer.
No shortage of cash, I gather.

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What Happens When You And An Opponent End Up In This Situation?

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