Times Book Of Crosswords in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Times Book Of Crosswords

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barnaclebill58 | 07:43 Sat 04th Sep 2021 | Crosswords
6 Answers
Please explain these to me.
1.Apply new dressing. Ans realign. No idea
2. ... despite once being involved in action? Ans Contempt of court. [Previous clue was “Stand-in senior officer rejected with hesitation .... to which the answer was “locum”]. No idea again.
3. Unqualified to be considered by comprehensive. Ans absolute. I think both unqualified and comprehensive are absolute so can’t understand what “to be considered by” is doing there.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Senior officer us Col so reject /reverse and ad um for hesitatiom
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Yes I knew that but included that clue as it has the ellipsis as a lead in to the ... despite clue.
loc um
loc = col (officer) reversed
um = hesitation
sure there wasn't an answer when i started typing?
According to Chambers, an archaic meaning of “despite” is “to look down with contempt”.
Realign- align is to dress as in the army term 'right dress' to align a rank of soldiers.

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Times Book Of Crosswords

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