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Is The Answerbank Masthead Not A Bit Premature With...

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sandyRoe | 15:29 Sat 11th Sep 2021 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
...the Autumnal leaves?


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A little, yes.
Yes, autumn starts on the 22nd of September so we still have nearly a fortnight of summer to go
house is full of crane flies, so the leaves is about right......
There are plenty of Autumnal leaves on our lawn at the moment.
You've reminded me of my neighbour who used to sing this in his garden every autumn.

Then there's this one...

According to this chap, it's forever autumn;

Not premature for me, I like the autumn leaves.
My favourite 60s group....and how happy am I that I no longer have to clear autumn leaves... :-)

lots of fallen leaves here already
Even in the frozen north we still have greenery but in anticipation:

ihn the absence of summer this year, I suppose it can only be autumn.
Perhaps localised new variant climate change.

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