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jennyjoan | 10:01 Mon 13th Sep 2021 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Would anybody know where I could buy a VCR Remote Control (for Video). I know everybody else has moved on but this person just loves his video.


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hi try e spares they have some to look at
amazon's always my first port of call

Just about anywhere...Argos is OK and easy to return if it's not up to scratch.
While it's possible to use a 'universal' remote control for a VCR, it can be tricky to get it set up correctly. It would therefore make far more sense to identify the exact model number of the VCR (possibly from the label on the back of the device) and search for an original remote control on eBay.

There's nowt wrong with good old-fashioned VHS tapes (apart from their annoying tendency to get jammed, the lousy picture quality, the time taken to rewind, etc, etc!). I treated myself to a second hand VCR from eBay earlier this year!
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A wee update. I went over to sister's and actually got the broken remote control.

Came home and went onto ebay - and inserted the necessary information and also the serial number from the control - about 4 or 5 controls came up.

Brought the picture up on ebay and matched button for button - so bought and all and will be arriving on Thursday. Sister is over the moon.

Like it is reconditioned per se but for the price - we'll give it a go.

Glad you seem to have got it sorted out, JJ!

(Whatever did we do before eBay?)

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Chris - I have a VCR too but haven't used it in a long time and so I told her to take it but with myself having family tapes of holidays and cruise and parties was sorta disappointed if I had to have parted with it.

I also have a DVD in a bedroom TV but you know what - give me the VCR tapes any day.

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