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Fao The Builder

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jennyjoan | 12:08 Tue 14th Sep 2021 | Home & Garden
24 Answers
Am looking to see if you are on site.

I have always had problems with the flush of my toilet ie not strong enough and I am ending up having to pour water into bowl to flush.

I have been told by some plumbers that the water in the cistern is filling up ok to the "standard" limit and due to this bloody water saving energy thing - that is all the cistern is holding but it is not enough to flush. Can anything be done? Thanks for your answer.


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ok - a wee update - my handyman came to measure up for some things and examined the cistern anyway, right away he said the "syphon" is finished/broken which is causing the "not flushing".

Since the repair cistern man is coming tomorrow I couldn't let him do it. However my repair cistern man will be charging £90. Do think he will replace the innards. Will see tomorrow (hope he comes tho).
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just had to share my very intimate news - I am now able to flush my inheritance away probably for the first time in about 10 years or more maybe.

fab flush - you know dead stiff and fabulous pouring water. I'm so happy that my yellow submarine (yellow plastic bucket) will submerge as quick as possible as it will no longer be used.
That's good news, Jenny.
With the old-type cisterns, it's usually a "floppy diaphragm" in the syphon/flush valve. ;o)
Happy flushing.
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Thanks builder

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