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Noisy Adverts

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Hopkirk | 06:34 Wed 22nd Sep 2021 | Site Suggestions
6 Answers
I can live with (and ignore) the adverts on this site.

However there are a few that appear at the bottom that have annoying music or sounds. They sometimes have a logo on them saying they are muted, but they are not.

These are particularly annoying when 'er indoors is watching some trash on TV, and I am passing the time looking at AB. She gives me a filthy look while I struggle to kill the noise.

Could Ed ensure they are silenced please?


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why don't you mute the sound on your PC?
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It's on my phone.
Question Author
I shouldn't have to.
I agree you shouldn't have to mute your phone but you should have an option to mute 'media'. This means you can hear your phone ring, the text alerts and other notifications but not hear the adverts.
Question Author
I don't have the problem on other sites, just AB.

Perhaps Ed could ensure that none of the advertisers have adverts with unwelcome sound?
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Noisy Adverts

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