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do you ever..........

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kick3m0n | 16:10 Tue 12th Sep 2006 | Body & Soul
79 Answers
start writing a reply to a thread and then just think, "Oh I can't be bothered" and delete it?? Happens to me quite often, especially when I'm drawn to post in News. Maybe my self preservation instinct kicks in shouting "leave it, it's not worth it!!" but something makes me pause, then delete. Other times, I just realise that I don't really want to post an answer, and just skip out of it. Is it just me.........?


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rughead, it doesn't actually matter a tinker's fart what you think. However, your continued accusation of me as "peado" apart from being sorrowfully misspelt, is also extemely distasteful and childish.

It is ars$eheads like you that, with their petty ideas of swords and cleansing, will do more to ruin AB than ever my friendly wanderings could.

Grow up chummy.
rugeleyboy, please contact me - [email protected]

If you are sure about the "peado" thing then you will wish to follow it up.

If you are not, then kindly shut up your immature mind.

There is fun, there is banter - and there is also unwarranted nastiness. You don't know the distinctions and are a shame to the Answerbank.

No, it's not just you - happens to me all the time
whiffey why are u never on msn????
oooo i take that back!!! sorry!! lol
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sorry whiffey, wrong yet again, it IS my thread in that I authored it and I award stars (or not) as I see fit. So I can tell you to fcuk off if I want to, and after that irrelevant pish last night, I very much do want.

I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in getting to know you. You are dull, inane, offensive, tedious, monotonous, predictable, uninspiring and boring big yawn. I've never really interacted with you before and never will again, end of.
I do this quite a bit too.x
mornin kick ill take my punishment like a man ps no i am not pretending to be a man it is a saying ,i dont wish to be accussed of luing .lol
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fair do's crete. You have every right to discuss anything you want, anywhere on AB of course, but equally, I have the right to get annoyed with such pish, especially when it comes, uninvited and totally irelevantly, to threads I have authored. At least you had the decency to acknowledge the highjack, a common courtesy that was appreciated, and entirely lacking in your 'chum', so thanks for that :o)
Morning kick !

I'll take that as a 'yes' vote then :)

Yes, I do that quite often, usually can't be @rsed reason.

In fact did it not 2 mins ago! :-))
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lol joby (and good morning to you), glad you could be @rsed here then :o) x
Morning Kick... Did pop on last night to say hi but got scared and ran away! Hope all is well xx
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Hiya China...your indiana jones style exit made me laugh babes, thanks for that :o))
all the time!!this is the 43rd time ive written this same answer to you!!
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lmao missmay :o)))))) xx
back on for 5 mins and done it again! Lol

Hiya kick hope you are good! x
i really wish i knew what imao ment i dont know if i should be offended....if so i guess i should have have rubbed out my previous message 44 times!!??
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laughing my a$$ off = lmao :o)) xxx

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