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Octopus Energy

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MargoTester | 11:06 Tue 28th Sep 2021 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
We have been transferred to them when Avro went to the wall. Does anyone have experience of them please?


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I have had Octopus for quite a while.No complaints.
yes - i have been with them a few years. i need electricity and gas, and they charge me for it. not much else to say i guess!
yeah I'm with them, no complaints.
also no complaints here, but then again i've never really had any complaints about anyone who's provided me energy

Yes. I moved to them from Ovo last year. They seem okay. They don't nag about getting a smart meter, just send a monthly email request. I think the direct debit they asked for is a bit low.
They are one of only two energy providers who get the Which? accolade "Recommended supplier"...and the fact that OFGEM has transferred you to them means suggests that they are fine.
What monthly DD have they asked you for - same as with Avro?
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Thanks for all your replies. We haven't heard from them as yet regarding DD's, will be interesting to see what they ask for, but from your comments they seem to be pretty good. Once we have that information we can shop around if necessary. Once again thanks for your input.
I was on the verge of switching to them from Avro because of their feed in tariffs (we're just about to have solar installed) so it's saved me the extra effort :-)
I've been with them just over a year. I have no complaints. Treated me very well.
More good news about Octopus Energy...this investment makes it more valuable than British Gas owner, Centrica.
We switched to Octopus in the spring when our now customary annual review of suppliers came around. After being with one supplier for decades we started the game of price comparison 5 years ago and have had 4 different suppliers. We moved from Avro to Octopus in what now seems to be a timely transfer. Octopus are easy to deal with and have a good online meter and billing set up.
I just got a quote from them, while reading this, but they were still £24/month more than EDF.
^I never go for the cheapest deals on anything...I want good value but also excellent customer care and a good customer feedback - and I tend to stick to Which? Recommended Providers. I've never been let down or disappointed yet (fingers crossed).
Many of those who went for the cheapest deals a while ago are now finding out just why they were so cheap.
Ah, I've been with them for years without a problem. I wouldn't go with someone cheap and unheard of, but I think EDF are fairly well known.

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