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Capital Punishment

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Barsel | 18:57 Thu 30th Sep 2021 | ChatterBank
44 Answers
I know there has been a lot said about the Wayne Couzens case and how some have spoken about Capital Punishment, but I have just looked somewhere else where this is being discussed and the overwhelming number of people are agreeing to it, and I mean overwhelming.
It would be really interesting to see how many Abers agree or disagree with it and why.
Also, does anyone know if there are petitions for this?


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Ive said many times that prison is no holiday camp as the media would have you believe but that aside, if anyone is interested in knowing what prison would be like for a police officer then I can recommend this book, I read it in one sitting.... User Recommendation
I think I saw that guy on telly nailit !
prison should be a punishment, for those who do heinous crimes like this creature. THose who get bounced for taking drugs and end up in prison more likely need help, to get off the stuff.
I saw him on an early morning show years ago Minty, talking about his book. I then went out and bought it and read it in one evening.

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