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Four In A Bed-Withdrawals

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gollob | 16:20 Fri 08th Oct 2021 | Food & Drink
5 Answers
Whey do many of the pairs quit after starting the competition. a restaurant near me was on the show having only been in the pub three months before the prog. Then when it was shown they had already moved on.


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Do you mean quitting appearing in the program...which some do, or selling up? If the latter, maybe they appear in the hope that they will get a better price for the business, or have decided they aren't cut out for it.
I suppose if you win the show it make your business seem attractive & boosts its value so if you were thinking of moving on anyway it would be a good time to sell.
It could take many months between applying for the show and being selected - then longer for filming and finally appearing on tv.
A lot can happen during that time.
I really dont like it when they drop out half way though like this week, i think it upsets the dynamic.
Darcey, I think that could have been due to Covid - travelling between England and Scotland and the different lockdown policies, but I agree, it is disappointing when it happens.
Unless it was Raj - remember him and the scandal? :D

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