Myslef and the wife have very recently issued via the county court a summons to our previous letting agent re on return of deposit even though Landlord instructed them to do so, no damage or rent arrars. If after or during the 14 days they send a cheque for amount of deposit less our court fee and any interest owed are we obliged to accept this payment ? I feel they have misapproriated our funds and wish to see their accounts. We are now in the process of purchasing a diffrent property.
The letting agent didnt return your deposit so you claimed through the Courts? If youve had the money now why do you want to see their accounts? I'm not clear on what youre trying to achieve
I'm not sure I understand what you're saying but if you won the court case, and the letting agent has been told, by the court, to return your deposit, why would they deduct interest and costs? They should be adding your costs to the amount they pay.
Sorry I have not made this clear the summons has only just been served.. a partner from the letting agent has called me stating his disappointment it has gone this far and intimatied he would send a payment for the amount of deposit not the court fee as well even though the full amount paid is �930 and depsoit is �850 am I obliged to accept less this fee.
No you can continue to press for the full amount and you have them by the proverbials, keep pressing they have no leg to stand on and they know it! Just be brutal do not negotiate just press ahead until you have the lot. Letting agents are like a dog with a bone over deposits, they will pay in the end they don't want to go to court where they'll pay even more, possibly even compensation.
i might be wrong,but now you have issued the summons,they have to pay the money into the court,the court take the fee and give you the rest,thats what happened to us a while back.