With packing and downsizing we have made up our minds to get rid of as much as possible which isn’t a problem for me or so I thought!
I cannot throw out the jars of pickles dad made me! I don’t even like them!
But everytime I go to do it I end up in tears!
Daft isn’t it!
Are you sentimental and hold onto stuff not necessarily photos etc
Take a photo of the jar (s). play around with a bit of photo editing software, give them a pop art background and frame them. It's the memory of what they mean that's special Found this site might give you a starting point https://convertimage.net/online-photo-effects/make-an-online-andy-warhol-pop-art-effect.asp
I have pair of woolen golf socks that my sister gave me just before she died. They're full of holes but I still wear them for golf, and I'll say I'm taking her for a game of golf when I put them on. Crazy eh?!!
Thanks all after rowans wonderful suggestion, I have taken some photos and whilst they have not yet made it to the bin they have made it out of the pantry