I received, what I thought, was an email from Boots via my Advantage card telling me they were giving me 500 advantage points because I had been in recently. Gullible me! However, it was from a marketing company with absolutely nothing to do with Boots. I took part in their 4 question survey and ended up paying £3.99 postage and packing for trial samples of a face cream. It was only later on today that I decided to check it out as I became suspicious - if I don't send back the samples unopened within 14 days I will be charged £99! I have been in touch with Boots and they are aware of it and I need to call my bank tomorrow to make sure they don't take any further payments! Great! Just thought I would make more people aware of it.
It has been quite some time since we heard from you, so we wanted to check-in and make sure everything is alright? We are aware that some customers been through some hard times but we also recon that You have always been a very valuable customer to us. With this in mind, we would like to offer you an early Black Friday Gift already today, Uwe!
If we get 2 minutes of your time to answer a couple of questions following our form online, you qualify for some awesome treats which will be made available to you right after the questions - all shipped directly to you by RoyalMail.
Enjoy the rest of your day and have a great start into this week, Uwe.
Please answer now
Samual Wallis
Community Manager @Boots co.uk - Zurich