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Jomlett | 15:39 Mon 01st Nov 2021 | Jokes
7 Answers
Guy had a lifelong fear of going to bed because of somebody being underneath.

Psychiatrist advised that counseling three times a week for a year would cure him (£80/session).

Psychiatrist didn't see him again until many months later when he ran into him in the street.

No, said Guy, I couldn't afford the expense…Anyway, cured now. Bloke down the pub got me better for a tenner.

Oh, yes, how did he do that.

Told me to saw the legs off.


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Only time will tell...
Thank you so much for the giggle. Very funny.
saw his own legs off so the fella under it couldnt chop them anway?

sorry mainstream AB there...
what he actually said was "get legless", which was misunderstood but did the trick
He told him to cure the problem by sawing the legs off the bed., nothing to do with being drunk!!

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