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squirelpoo | 16:32 Wed 13th Sep 2006 | Music
7 Answers
does anyone know what oasis are up to


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They are ready to shoot there video for there new song - which isn't new - it was on the cd single for some might say, 11 years ago and it is a fab tune called "Aquiesce"..I have waited for years for it to come out - you can actually get chance to appear in the video - I think you can do this by logging on to the oasis website.....
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happygam, how do you get to be in an oasis video, acquiesce is my fav oasis song, should have been released ages ago too good to be a b-side
Wow, they're releasing Acquiesce? That's great, I love that song. Seems a bit odd to release it now though, has Noel run out of ideas?
the record company are releasing a best of album which they were originally opposed to but loads of bands do it and they are re-recording acquiesce to coincide for Christmas its great song especially live
oh so what are Kasabian gonna do now ?!?!
"Has Noel run out of ideas?"

Ha ha ha ha ha !!!!! Did he ever HAVE any to start with?

Answer to what are Kasabian going to do now - continue releasing stuff that makes Oasis look like the lame, tired, worn-out, wrung-out, predictable, over-inflated pub-rock it is.
they still sold out their tour within a couple of hours last year not bad for a washed out band and not small venues so they must be doing something right!

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