Quizzes & Puzzles48 mins ago
Section 18
if a section 18 is so serious how come a person can be given bail my daughters ex fractured her arm in this last incident police arrested him he has only just(3days) come of tag for a driven offence they charged him with section 18 but have give him bail even though he has so many charges on violence how can he be given bail
Very often conditions are attached to bail which must be adhered to or it could result in being remanded in prison until trial. Bail conditions in your daughter's case would probably include not contacting her; not going within a certain distance of her home and workplace and maybe a curfew meaning he has to stay at his approved residence during certain hours...
21:36 Sun 07th Nov 2021
It is a basic principle of English law that a person is innocent until proven guilty. Therefore anyone who is suspected of a crime has the right to be 'released under investigation' by the police, or to be bailed by them, unless there are very specific reasons why that can't be allowed to happen. The alternative would be to lock people up without trial willy-nilly, contrary to their human rights. Even some murder suspects are granted bail occasionally (although it has to be a Crown court that grants it).
See here
https:/ /assets .publis hing.se rvice.g ov.uk/g overnme nt/uplo ads/sys tem/upl oads/at tachmen t_data/ file/88 0492/Ba il-and- refusal -of-bai l-by-cr iminal- courts- and-pol ice-off icers-v 5.0-gov -uk.pdf
and here
https:/ /www.cp s.gov.u k/legal -guidan ce/bail
See here
and here
thank you for the very helpful links i think i thought because police charged him with a section 18 and it being a sunday he would go in front of court tomorrow i dont no why i thought this im just in shock it happened today sorry for all my questions i just need to get some kind of understanding thank you in advance
Very often conditions are attached to bail which must be adhered to or it could result in being remanded in prison until trial.
Bail conditions in your daughter's case would probably include not contacting her; not going within a certain distance of her home and workplace and maybe a curfew meaning he has to stay at his approved residence during certain hours such as evening/nights.
Bail conditions in your daughter's case would probably include not contacting her; not going within a certain distance of her home and workplace and maybe a curfew meaning he has to stay at his approved residence during certain hours such as evening/nights.
// The alternative would be to lock people up without trial willy-nilly, contrary to their human rights.//
which they used to do ( remand ) in the good old days BUT, Bail Act and full prisons means they do things differently
along with..... the huge length before trial
GBH came to court within 60 d - one of our workers had 60 d porridge ( and then was acquitted ) now it is more like 600
which they used to do ( remand ) in the good old days BUT, Bail Act and full prisons means they do things differently
along with..... the huge length before trial
GBH came to court within 60 d - one of our workers had 60 d porridge ( and then was acquitted ) now it is more like 600