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Halving A Tablet

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jennyjoan | 23:08 Sun 14th Nov 2021 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
Is it wrong to think by halving your tablet/pill because of side effects - you are halving the effects or does it matter.


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I don't think there's a simple answer JJ - the side effects may be reduced but so would the efficacy of the medication.

Report the effects and ask for something different if you can.
I would assume you've been given the minimum strength of the pill you need, and halving it would indeed halve the effects, good or bad. You could try but I would ask a doctor about the specific pill first, if you can find one.
Splitting a tablet should only ever be done upon the advice of a doctor or pharmacist.

Splitting antibiotic tablets, for example, so that you receive a lower dose, might result in you receiving an insufficient amount to deal with the infection while, at the same time, building up a resistance to antibiotics in your body, so that they'll work less well in the future.

Splitting coated tablets is also something that you should never do, as the coating is there to ensure that the drug enters your body at a controlled rate. With the coating removed where the cut is, the drug will be absorbed at a faster rate than intended.

A relevant link:

What tablet?
What side effects?
Have you got a tablet splitter?

Can't answer your question.
Jj. Get a tablet splitter , very handy in the home, more accurate .
You need to speak to your doctor if you are considering halving a prescription tablet

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Halving A Tablet

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