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Santander Card

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jennyjoan | 13:01 Wed 17th Nov 2021 | ChatterBank
2 Answers
my new card - I only received it about 2 weeks ago was blocked and I was informed that a Chinese company tried to rob me of two separate amounts of £300 and £300 so Santander blocked the payments - thank goodness.

That was why I was in town in Belfast - they've ordered me a new one - do miss it as I wanted to buy a few things on Amazon. Anybody know when I should receive the new one since the Royal Mail are apathetic.

Received my birthday card just now - that was posted last Friday.


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How long is a piece of string - it could be here tomorrow - it could be here by Saturday or even next friday
mine took about 5 days after the cash machine ate it

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Santander Card

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