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Video Recording

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Mskdbulnsh | 05:49 Sat 20th Nov 2021 | Law
20 Answers
Hi I have a silly question but if two people were in a staff room and one video recorded the other without consent or their knowledge , is it illegal ? The only intimacy would’ve been hugging


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Are you talking about a surveillance / security camera or something like a phone etc,
Question Author
More like a personal phone as the staff room doesn’t have any cctv
unacceptable for any one to do this at any time... they could use it for a bad purpose...
did you hug someone and they videoed it without your knowledge, is that what you are saying?
Question Author
In essence …yes .Would that be something that could be taken to court or is it a stretch ?
how do you know they did this, have you been shown the video footage,
well it lost Matt Hancock his job but I don't think the police were interested.
was it more than a hug?
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Question Author
Yes I was shown the video and no nothing more than a hug
then i think you are worrying over nothing.... they shouldn't be recording you by the way, without your knowledge.
The recording is not illegal - it is what is done with it that could be illegal.
my god people are having a go whatever
no all opinions are correct

"then i think you are worrying over nothing.... they shouldn't be recording you by the way, without your knowledge."
is wrong in law

UK/ england : "one sided consent" is sufficient - you can work out what that means.
the trouble comes when a third party does the recording. Sometimes they can sometimes they cant but that is nart important right now ( thx to Airplane) - employers can but they have to tell you xc when it is to forestall crime

Part of your answer may - "I am on this video, it is therefore my data and I didnt give permission for you to view it" - and would not have done

You mean - it is lawful to record something and not lawful to give it to someone else? Yup - part of Meghan's case is based on this.

you may ask supplementaries ( extra questions like what the hell does this mean?)

yeah Barry one above me
has got it right
you were shown the viddie
by whom
the lucky one who was hugged? - - apologise soonest. and say you will modify your behaviour as a result of seeing the viddie - and how very very sorry you were to see it. Mortified etc

then wait

and no I dont think it will come to anything

God this is a tale with a moral of:

"I must keep my hands to myself at work...."
I didn't know Hancock was a member of AB!
two people were hugging and one of them was filming i surreptitiously? have i got that right? with the intention of getting the first one in trouble?
Wouldnt they both be in trouble? It doesnt make sense to me
It's legal, as long as one party knows about it.

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Video Recording

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