Okay, I asked in technology and only got one reply so I will try here, I know I shouldn't but I need help! My computer speakers are playing up.Only one seems to work and the other other is all scratchy is you turn the volume knob. Any ideas how I can cure it? I don't really want to have to buy more if this is easily fixable!
Are we talking about inbuilt speaker or external, sound like a bad connection, do they get scratchy whilst turning the knob and then stop or are they scratchy all the time?
I imagine the knob is on these speakers, not on PC or keyboard? sounds to me like you need new speakers, you can buy them very cheaply probably from about �10.00 up to whatever you want spend.
Sorry I cant be more helpful.
PS, just check all the connections, plugs pushed in correctly etc
im sure i read somewhere recently that if your speakers are next to the monitor it can interefere with the sound. speakers should be about 6 inches away from the monitor.