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missyR | 13:51 Sun 17th Sep 2006 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers
Hands up who saw jeepers creepers last night? Scary or what? i kept flipping to how do you solve a problem like maria every two minutes!! That song...


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Jeepers Creepers is SO completely unscary!! I was expecting a good horror movie but it was just so boring. It reminded me of Wolf Creek which is also incredibley boring
Personally speaking as soon as it is was revealed that the guy in the long black coat wearing the hat is really a winged creature then that is when i started losing intrest.I watched the movie to the end but i was still disappointed in it.

I see JC2 is on tonight so i might give that a try.
I saw it on the cinema, thought it was really scary (especially the scarecrow bit). I also thought the winged creature was a bit naff, but still scared the jeepers creepers out of me!! Don't bother with the sequel as it's just awful!!!
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thats what my dad said!
the sequel is better than the original i thought

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