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Bird On Track

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satprof | 07:20 Sat 18th Dec 2021 | Quizzes & Puzzles
20 Answers
Today's Alphapuzzle cryptic clue.


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07:20 Sat 18th Dec 2021
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The rails, or Rallidae, are a large cosmopolitan family of small- to medium-sized, ground-living birds. The family exhibits considerable diversity and includes the crakes, coots, and gallinules.
ozzy i'm wounded that's twice you've ignored me x
It certainly was 1ozzy, Emmie's answer appeared before satprof's question appeared on my feed!
Sorry Mallyh - me too!
sorry mally if they are ignoring you....
Mallys name made me think answer could be mallard if rail don't work out
could be bobb, will have to wait for someone to confirm.
bobbin that sounds good x
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Rail is much much more likely.
i should think so too,been ignored once was bad enough but twice x
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could be mallard will see what satprof says
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Well done, emmie. Virtually the same clue popped up just over a year ago: 'Track this bird', but it would not be chivalrous to reveal who got it then.

Mallard won't work as there are no 7-letter possibilities that allow for double L.

Of the four 4-letter grid positions, one can be ignored as it contains K, a given letter, but there's not much to go on to choose between the others.

I'll report back unless someone else gets it first.
thanks satprof..
Question Author
'Rail' works out if you use A=4. I'll leave mouseymick, the unsung hero of these puzzles, to give fuller details.

Rail .. 6,4,8,3 .. Q is 25 and Z is 16. Keyword is (6,2,3,8,5). Thank you for the plaudits Satprof, I’m just doing my best to keep my brain in gear and, hopefully, helping other ‘Alphapuzzlers’.

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Bird On Track

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