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jennyjoan | 13:17 Sat 18th Dec 2021 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
I have been basically up through the night and I just looked at bedside clock and it "looked" like it was 9.00am. so I said I must get up so that I can sleep tonight. So disappointed to find it is quarter to twelve - so am just up and riddled with so much body pain. Perhaps the tossing and turning has done this. My back is just aching and so am feeling so low with getting up so late.


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Don't worry about the time, JJ. Just take it easy until you feel better.
I find staying in bed too long gives me back and hip ache.
Take some paracetamol or ibuprofen, have a hot drink and a cuddle with Maxie. Look after yourself.
Oh JJ, sorry to hear that, I hope you start to feel less pain as the day goes on.

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