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Not Sure Which I Hate More

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lankeela | 16:03 Sat 25th Dec 2021 | ChatterBank
45 Answers
Christmas or cooking! Gave in and bought a turkey roll thingy to just stick in the oven - opened it just now and you have to cover it in foil - guess what, no foil! Why do they have to make life so difficult?


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Thank you Mamya. I feel OK in myself although I was a bit rough earlier in the week. It's the secondary infection that is a nuisance plus not being able to smell or taste.
Sorry to read that, 237. I have quite a few friends and family members suffering now too. Hope you recover quickly.
Thank you gness. I`m in the exclusive Covid for Christmas Club
my American friend spent christmas day completely alone as both her daughter and son (separate families) - some members of their families had Covid so she couldn't go but I called her for an hour last night and we had a sing along - it was good LOL.
Sorry to hear that 237, hopefully your senses will return quickly. My nephew lost his, but only for a week or 2.

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