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devilwoman | 16:28 Sun 17th Sep 2006 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers
anyone see cliff on the heaven and earth show this morning? he still gets my pulse racing everytime i see him, i know you probably think' i'm a sad ol git. but i lurve him.


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he may not float everyone's boat, nor indeed perform everyone's musical style of choice. but you cannot argue with the credentials of any performer who has had as many hits in as many decades, (including no. 1s in 5 of them), nor indeed of one who still sells out large arenas nearly 50 years after his career started.
I'd no idea Cliff Michelmore was this well remembed.
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very funny kev 100
Being a fan of Cliff in no way identifies you as a" sad old git"
or if it does then there are millions like you.
I have appreciated Cliff since he began his career as a rock and roller with "Move It".I think the way in which he has adapted to the changing style of music over 5 decades marks him as a terrific entertainer.Long may he continue.
Also his clean cut image does him great credit in todays drug and drink ridden society.
We wre saddened when Cliff was not chosen to be The Pope. --- Pope Cliff the first -- He would not make disparaging remarks about Muslims nor anyone else. He is wonderful.

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