A few years back someone told me a code that you type into a specific cell in a new Excel worksheet. Once you press enter the screen turned into a sort of alien psychadelic world which you could fly around. I know this sounds bizarre but I swear it's true. Does this ring any bells with anyone and can you recall the code?
It is true, but it only works in office 97.
1. On a new Worksheet, Press F5
2. Type X97:L97 and hit enter
3. Press the tab key
4. Hold Ctrl-Shift
5. Click on the Chart Wizard toolbar button
6. Use mouse to fly around - Right button forward/ Left button reverse
thanks for the answer thecooler but the code I remember wasn't as convuluted as that. Certainly no chart wizard button. I was sure that the code had to be typed in a specific cell address, but my memory isn't what it was.
Thanks for the link Lord Vader