L have been looking for some info on-line, but the text is very small and the print is faint.There is no obvious way to enlarge,any ideas please? Thanks.
Thanks bobbi that worked a treat.Thanks for being so quick.Can part of the text be isolated for enlargement,I high lighted if but the whole lot was made bigger?
If print looks faint, it suggests that you might need to adjust our monitor. Go here to check: https://reeddesign.co.uk/testcard.htm
You need to check that you can see all of the numbers, from 0 through to 10, clearly on both of the relevant lines.
As Bob says, repeatedly pressing Ctrl and + together progressively enlarges the text in any Windows-based browser. (Pressing Ctrl and - together makes it smaller. Pressing Ctrl and 0 together returns it to the default size).
>>> Can part of the text be isolated for enlargement
No, sorry. To do that, you'd need to copy the relevant text and then paste it into a word processing document, from where you adjust its font and/or size.
The text on-line itself, ranges from good at the start and as it progresses down the page it gets smaller and more faint. Getting back to my second point can I isolate any text to be enlarged? Thank you both.