ok, I know I'm late again and probably would be to the meal too.... but here's my list!
Elvis -because it was your idea :oP
Snappy - you can't have one without the other!
Redbel - to prove to her once and for all that I a)dont shop at peacocks b) don't have a scouse accent c) it is really me she can see from across the mersey!
Whiffey - because without him there'd be no decent food!
Dotty - It wouldn't be a party without Dotty
joby1 - we went to the same school, we live either side of the park and yet neither one of us knows the other!
Duckyboy - aka bobtheturkey, bobthechristmaspudding, bobthelittledonkey
Jinglebellboy - just to see if he really does wear a jingle bell round his neck
(I'm gonna need a bigger table!)
I still need linda, boobs, Boo, estie, fluffy, slowjo...
Me... I forgot about me!
Elvis, can't you just have a house warming party and invite the lot of us? AAAANNNNNNDDDDD... how come I was last? :o( *stomps feet*