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Did Jesus Ever Get Ill?

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fiveleaves | 17:41 Sat 08th Jan 2022 | Religion & Spirituality
98 Answers
This is not territory many pastors will dare to go into, but why not?
Perhaps they think questions like this undermines Christianity, I would claim the opposite
Did Jesus get colds as a child or even something like chicken pox?
Carpentry tools can be dangerous, did He ever cut His hand
I really don't know but I do hold that Jesus was 100% God and 100% Man during His time on earth.
Was this meant in everyday life is something of a mystery as the New Testament only records a short period of His life


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Fiveleaves is just like my Catholic, holier than thou parents. They couldn't answer me either.
That's why they call it faith,when you believe in something that
you can not prove.
Belief is no more a justification for faith than is faith a justification for belief.
-- answer removed --
Hopefully retrieving this discussion from the gutter ....

Fiveleaves, you say // I do hold that Jesus was 100% God and 100% Man during His time on earth.//

//Hopefully retrieving this discussion from the gutter//
Not sure that this discussion ended up in the gutter. A little of topic maybe, but thats the nature of disscusion....particularly on AB!

//I do hold that Jesus was 100% God and 100% Man during His time on earth//
Fiveleaves answers are ALL going to rest on...
''Its a mystery''
No its not. its nonsense.
The earliest NT author (St Paul) didnt believe it.
The earliest gospel writer (Mark) didnt believe it.
Matthew and Luke didnt believe it.
John MAY have believed that Jesus was actually God
(Depends on how you interpret it) but certainly no mention of a trinity.
Some well known interpolations (such as the Johannine Comma...1 John 5:7-8) have been found to be later editions.
As I said earlier (I think!...I tend not to scroll to much amongst past threads) try reading the order that the NT was written in and you can see the evolution of the Jesus story over a century of writting,

(And the doctrine of eternal torment is still abhorrent to any right thinking individual)
// Hopefully retrieving this discussion from the gutter ....//
yeah I have been taking the moral high ground in all this

was Christ ever ill - sicky or otherwise torpid?
well he died on the cross so I think he must gone froo an icky-boo stage just before that

I wasn’t talking about your posts, nailit.
/// Carpentry tools can be dangerous, did He ever cut His hand ///

He certainly failed to avoid tacks

Three in particular!
Boom boom
John 1 7
outος ἦλθεν εἰς μαρτυρίαν, ἵνα μαρτυρήσῃ περὶ τοῦ φωτός, ἵνα πάντες πιστεύσωσιν δι’ αὐτοu

Gospel of John 1-7 - I am not the light, but have come to bear witness to the light, so that everyone can believe in him

strikes me as clear - as far as religious texts go

embarassingly called the Gospel of St John the Baptist in Saturday's Times ( Metropolitan Theophilos) who must be blushing into his grey beard by now

I was not talking about your posts Nailit
spoken like an evangelist ! ter daah !

( You know foo! Nailt goes to Heaven and meets St Mark ( writer of St Marks gospel that is!) - Nailit: all your statements about God are / were a load of old crap you know, old boy
St Mark for it is he: Oh, them ! - yes ! no! - Oh! I wasnt talking about God in all that, I was talking about my Aunt Dahlia!
Nailit - oh

and so it goes on AB, say one thing one day and say the opposite the next....
Stick to copying and pasting googled Greek, PP. It makes more sense than your English.
I'm gonna smoke a pipe of what PP is on...
Haaaaa! Heaven forbid!!!
Oh yeah man, its good stuff!
Stoning is cool, non believers going to suffer,
Hell is real man! All going there unless!!!
(Insert some Greek here)
Catholic etc...
(Buddhism and jesus here)
Hell yeah!
Just Hell here...
Apostates and questioners here....
Dont believe in my world view here, cuz we are all hellbound.
Is nailit *** again cuz that just prooves me wright etc...
The above is about as sensical as asking if little red riding hood ever got ill.
The OP got a direct answer to his question. He didn’t like it - but he did ask.
//The OP got a direct answer to his question. He didn’t like it - but he did ask.//

The OP doesnt like direct answers naomi.
Shame on you for not knowing....

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