1. Just a suggestion. The German word Rube - the 'u' should have an umlaut on it -(2 little dots) - but I don't know how to do it! - means turnip. Rubli might be a bavarian / austrian dialect word also meaning turnip.
Dalek. It could be beetroot, though that's usually called rote Rube or rote Bete. It could be just beet.
Carrots are sometimes called gelbe Ruben (south Germany, Switzerland) or Mohrruben.
Zuckerrube is sugar beet.
Again, only a suggestion, and I don't understand the logic that might be behind it as I speak no spanish, but....
what about Alexanders ?
Roman ( latin ) law is Lex, and the Chambers definition of alexanders is: an umbelliferous plant the stems of which were formerly eaten as celery is now.
Kettledrum - no answer yet for 2. I think Alexanders is too sophisticated for this puzzle e.g. Sounds like you'll find it in the cellar, eh? - celery. The closing date is 29th Sept. so I shall just give up on this question and put beetroot for the other. Thanks for all your help.