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Rte 4

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scooke | 13:43 Mon 17th Jan 2022 | Crosswords
16 Answers
21a touching tales,we hear, what one must make to get by(4,4)e???,?e?t
14d ... pushed and exaggerated by some pushy pedagogue(5)??p??
13a could you give a jot?(4)???t


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14d hyped
14, hyped
21a ends meet
13 iota
mamya says 13 is whit
I gave 'whit' because of the pattern offered.
could be either whit or iota as both mean jot.... or it could be neither as theres not enough in the clue is there... am not of why the clue is not just jot?
It's my guess that 14d starts on the second light of 13a,
so if 14d is 'hyped', then 13a would be '?H?T'
Captain... if your right it could be WHIT ( more likely than another ?H?T word I can think of)
I meant it could INDEED be whit which is what am sure your saying
That's where my money is, bobbin. :))
Are we there yet?
but mallyh's so rarely wrong Mamyalynne....
Very true.
no stone unturned and all that...

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