why I often find I am unable to start to urinate. I need to go obviously or I would not be sitting on the seat but sometimes I have to actually give up trying. And even when it does start to flow, it will stop mid flow without me trying to stop and this can happen several times. Is there a cause? I know that this can be a male problem but is there any reason to be cooncerned?
There could be many causes but bladder neck disorders or psychological problems are the commonest.
If it is just a nuisance and doesn't really bother you, then just live with it.
If it affects your life to a negative degree, then see your GP.
Stones in the urinary tract are unusual in your case and description of symptoms
just cus they say they a female on the profile doesnt mean they are and they should be able to get advice still for a male maybe asking for husband so yes for a male or a female is this for?