One or more (consecutive) words must be removed from each of 13 clues before solving; in each case. In 26 other clues, the wordplay leads to the answer plus an extra letter
25a Follow idle gossip when toad spurns Kerouac , say (6) ?A?TER
44a Temporarily left author with onset of dementia, around middle of April (6) ?AR?ED
...possibly a 5 letter author minus one of their letters??
One more from each across/down required, professorplum.
Follow the instructions to get the frame & crossing support (one square thickness throughout). The 13 cells that are not shaded help a lot (6 of them above and 7 below) and the items are all rectangular - it's all very neat I think - and great fun.
Can anyone help me with fourth name or title. I have completed the rest of the crossword so just stuck on that one. I have a few options for the title but no idea of the name. Thanks in advance.