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Did You Know....dogs....

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ToraToraTora | 21:17 Wed 26th Jan 2022 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
special one today.....all dogs are mongrels...they have a common ancestor from approx 30-50k years ago. If you needed any confirmation of how dim the eejits are that pay stupid money for a "ozlemdog" then look no further.


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Omg she’s so adorable Pat, my daughter bought Lola from a reputable breeder in Durham,she was chipped ( the dog not the breeder :0/ ) had her vaccines and they’ve got the paperwork .
What a sweetheart :)
Poppy wasn't rescued She was in a lovely home but one of the other dogs was aggressive towards her so it was best for her to be rehomed. She was chipped but not spayed, so we got her done. She is the most adorable little lady with a wonderful temperament. The love of my life now, but she loves Mr Lottie more!
And Lola looks lovely too x
We had Lola spayed after her first heat , she’s very untrustworthy of men for some reason, women can stroke her and pet her but she backs away and barks at men…from behind my legs , I often wonder why ?
Poppy's a tart. She likes men best!!
My former manager has a jackshit (see if that gets through)...he's the loveliest dog. Very friendly, and bouncy, no barking. His younger brother is a cockerpoo, and a bit more reserved.

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