. . . first published last May, updated to take into account more recent material.
This wrestles with the problem of widespread Social Media interference with the Legal Process, and makes some interesting but worrying points.
Newspapers were/are
nearly always discouraged/constrained from over-indulgence in Trial-By-Media, but Trial-By-Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/TikTok etc seems to run amok at times, although as the article shows, unpleasant consequences can result.
The problem however is difficult to solve given the Global nature of the beast. I remember when Margaret Thatcher tried to silence Peter Wright but failed because the "offence" took place in Australia. In a Global environment it will be considerably more difficult. I wonder how it will develop - will the West adopt the (only partially successful) solution applied by more despotic regimes of banning access to the Web. Watch this space?
Happy reading, and beware what you post.