Good morning everyone - warming up nicely here, though not going to be outrageous thank goodness - just a bit of extra watering- and not going to last for days - again thank goodness - so far we’ve got off quite lightly this summer.
Not quite so easy with the links -
Chip Set
North Ward
Apple Pie
Stem Cell
No takers for the first two, but the last two were very popular…The STAR TURNS came from LADYJO, SHARONA $ WEECALF who all collected three points for two correct matches, while a further 28 players started out with a single points….so a good beginning all round.
So the baby LEADER BOARD is a repeat …
3 points - Lady Jo, SharonA & weecalf
1 point - 28 players
Congratulations to all the points scorers for this week, lovely to start on a positive note and hoping it will continue …..till next week, stay safe and take care, Cheers, Steff xx
Hi Steff, forgot to add that we will probably not make the next 2 weeks as we are escaping here and going to visit family in England! - I think it will feel quite strange!!