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Anyone Worried About Price Hikes In Energy Bills?

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nailit | 18:38 Mon 14th Feb 2022 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
And other hikes.
Already noticed price increases in food etc!

Anyone prepping for further hikes?
Dont think that I'll be going on a cruise this year.


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Atheist,but we have closed all our coal mines but still have to import it.Greens are stopping us from fracking,same with oil and gas,that's why they can hike up the price knowing we will have to pay it or do without(which isn't a option).
fcc; As I understand it, we don't dig up our own fossil fuel. We stopped all that when Thatcher privatised everything many moons ago. We simply get the private sector to do all the prospecting and extraction and so naturally they want to take the profits at the current going rate. It's all far too complicated for me to understand, but I think I'm on the right lines. You could find out more on internet search engines, as long as you stay away from conspiracy sites.
"Why is it said that inflation is 5%?
When in real terms its much higher?
Poundland have added 25p to a £1 kitchen roll...
thats a 25% increase.
B&M have added 19p to a £1 pkt of gravy granules.
thats a 19% increase."

You think the rate is wrong, based upon those two items you happened to notice but the Office for National Statistics uses hundreds of items each time for the comparisons.
Tbh the drive down in food prices led by the discount supermarkets is the only light in a currently dark tunnel. I save about thirty quid a month by using a combination of Aldi, Iceland and Heron for most of my food. Things like branded cleaning products have gone up so I have switched to non branded although some are not so good. I have to manage with the clothes I have using birthday and Christmas to replace stuff. I would have been fine if I hadnt used my pension lump sum having fun with Dave while he was well enough, difficult now But I did the right thing as he enjoyed remembering our trips, beer festivals etc when he wasn't well enough to go out any more.
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//You think the rate is wrong, based upon those two items you happened to notice but the Office for National Statistics uses hundreds of items each time for the comparisons//

I didnt 'NOTICE' two items, I *LISTED* just two items.
Bit of a difference.
In fact in B&M tonight I made a point of going along their aisles and
looking at their products. Some of them have gone up more than 30% .
Answerbanker response 101 sell your mobile phone you might be able to eat dinner how are you posting on here you must be rich then something about being young and not having all this new technology or living outside of our means or something yes i an concerned about energy prices
What's all that about Roadman?
if the Ruskies have indeed pull back, sell your oil and gas stock and probably any holdings in gold and other 'serious' metals like platinum and palladium....deflation coming?
//Dont think that I'll be going on a cruise this year.//

The Trent and Mersey Canal is very picturesque heading North in the summer. Some good pubs in the Cheshire area too. You will need to learn how to dress your "locks".
keep your glasses spotless in Cheshire if you are on the water or polluted water - or Pilkingtons will be after you - and your shoes well-polished too. In this case, it's John Timpson....
"Consumer inflation is measured by taking a sample ‘shopping basket’ of around 700 goods and services each month from 150 random outlets across the UK, and monitoring how the total price of the basket changes."

They look at a wide range of products and services as opposed to a few dozen from only one supplier.

If (some) B & M prices are going up at a much faster rate than inflation, you need to shop around or ask B & M to justify their actions.
The difference is Boris and most of his MPs were all born at the top ,and wouldn't even understand what this post is about. They have never had to economise or do without They have never lived in the real World.
20.22 What on earth Are you mumbling on about DTC ?
21.22 What on earth are you mumbling on about, Gulliver?

Total bull on your part - not much unusual there and especially as you live in some red-lens oriented world.

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