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Doctors & Personal Problems

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nailit | 19:48 Sun 27th Feb 2022 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
Just wondered how people get on with reporting personal problems to their GP's?
Ive had a number of personal problems including...

A testicular cyst which had to be removed when I was 20.
A number of anal examinations (bleeding) current!
A penile infection (which I wrongly blamed on my 'then' girlfriend)

Just wondered if it might be worthwhile just turning up at my GP with my trousers already around my ankles?

More seriously, Ive known people too embarresed to see their GP with a 'personal' problem
and lost their lives because of it.
I just dont get it?
Doctors see it all, day in and day out.
Never pleasent having your bits messed with
(unless its consensual)
But I just dont get why people are embarresed about their bodies....


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I have no problem being examined by either gender of doctor in any situation.

But I do completely understand why people do, we are all different.
I've just so used to it over years and years I don't give a damn any more! I have been prodded and poked everywhere.
I must say I have found male doctors far more sympathetic and gentle than females.
I would much prefer to be examined by a woman. A woman's touch is something I can understand and feel comfortable with. If a man were to touch me I would feel a need to be neutralised by a woman's touch afterwards. What funny things we humans are! (at least, some of us).
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As a young man (20 at the time)
I found myself in hospital awaiting the removal of a testicular cyst.
A very attractive female doctor had to give me a pre-med-op once over.
While feeling my testicles, I happened to respond as nature intended.
It wasnt comfortable for either of us.
The medical term is apocryphalia.

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