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Should Jon Venables Be Released?

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naomi24 | 11:42 Mon 28th Feb 2022 | News
72 Answers
//'Release Jon Venables and he WILL kill again': James Bulger's father pleads to parole board not to free his son's murderer as he prepares to make latest bid for freedom//


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I didn't ask about alternatives, Khandro. I am interested in how convinced you are that he would be able to live in society without doing any damage and should therefore be released.

So are you convinced enough of that to say you would welcome him into your family to give him another chance because you would never give up on anyone?
Where does this idea that he (or anyone) should live in my house with my family come from?
He's got to live somewhere, Khandro. I wouldn't want him in my town.

You say he can be redeemed. Nobody else seems to want to take that risk. I am asking do you have enough faith that he can be redeemed to take him under your wing?
Or is it release him but somewhere else away from my family?

How strong is your faith in his redemption or do you have doubts?
Ken4155 British justice you are joking

I don't think it will ever be "safe" to release this man.
gness, //How strong is your faith in his redemption or do you have doubts?//

Of course I have doubts, but I don't think locking someone behind bars for the rest of their life is the only alternative.
Khandro. You must have seen enough evidence on here, if you've read it all, to know that he has proved that he is not fit for release.

Of course he must spend his life in prison. The risk to children is too great to give him the freedom that he himself threw away.
Khandro - You are keen for Venables to be freed, as long as you don't have to deal with him.

I repeat my previous assertion - you are a Nimby, and that is an un-Christian attitude.
lol, there's no connection between nimbyism and religion. Buddhists, atheists, druids and humanists alike can all be drawn to nimbyism.
What's that smell again?
I don't know, or care Khandro, it's your private fantasy, you live on it, it means you don't have to respond to uncomfortable questions here in the real world.
Jno - Anyone can be a nimby, it's a nimby being a hypocrite I have issues with.

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Should Jon Venables Be Released?

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