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Did I Do The Right Thing.

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gundamcorps1985 | 02:05 Sat 05th Mar 2022 | Family & Relationships
5 Answers
I was dating a girl and I told her about how the last 2 girls I dated lied to me about being with someone else. Then she did the same thing. I walked out of the grocery store and she was in a car with a guy and put her hand up to the window in a loving way. Then the guy came out and I just walked away from them. I ignored her for two weeks and did a search for her online and the guy was her fiancee. It never talked to her again. I'm angry and hurt she did that to me. I fell like I deserve to be alone because women keep doing it to me.


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You just haven't met the right girl yet. Not all girls will two time you. Don't let this one make you think you are not worthy. Have pride in yourself and keep trying.
Has Ringlet say's, you will meet the right one eventually.
I might've mentioned something fo her fiance. He deserves to know his partner is a serial cheat.
Let it go, you're lucky to have found out. As ringlet says they're not all like that so don't let past disappointments cloud your view of all girls.
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