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Artificial Sweetners

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Bazile | 19:29 Sat 05th Mar 2022 | Food & Drink
26 Answers
What's the science say on artificial Sweetners , currently .

Are they now considered safe to consume ?


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Mozz71, it really doesn't prove anything, It's something to do with the density of the sweetener used in regular Coke I came across this "fact" on a hot summer day when I put some Cokes in a stream to get cool...The diet Coke proceeded to float merrily down-stream:)
Apology accepted. As I said, it's just personal taste. I can put up with unsweetened tea, but find coffee disgusting that way.
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I knew that - that's why life boats are made out of cans of diet coke
I hate artificial sweeteners. I can taste them a mile off. I found a great company that sell excellent squashes/cordials without them, along with 2 brands in the supermarket. Finding food stuff without sweetner in is getting harder and harder to come by and everything is tasting sweeter than it did a few years ago, especially savoury food.
Tea with a dash of milk. Coffee with milk and a sweetener.
Bazile, are your submarines constructed from cans of regular Coke?

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Artificial Sweetners

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