All 7 of mine have their teeth checked regularly by my vet. The oldest has lost most of her front ones but manages well with the side and back ones. So far none have needed dental treatment. They have both wet and dry food.
I have a great vet and have used her for about 20 years. She comes to the house for routine vaccinations. 4 dogs as well as the cats. Because I fostered for 15 years and helped the local villagers getting their animals speyed and neutered she gives me a 10% discount on all vaccines, heartworm and worming and flea treatments. She also does not charge for the home visits. Last visit 15 injections and 11 flea treatments and 4 dog tick collars was 550 euros.
No, we don't, we value our hands! Ours eat mostly dried food and have regular vet checkups, no problem teeth so far and our oldest cat is 15, the youngest three 'kittens' are 10 this year.
My vet checks teeth, heart etc when they have their annual jabs.
Older female has a little tartar but but no big deal. They also have wet and dry food. More dry than wet.
One of my vets once persuaded me to buy a toothpaste and applicator for my tortie. Honestly what was she thinking, never in a million years would that cat let me get anywhere near her teeth!