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End Of An Era

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Hopkirk | 10:21 Sun 10th Apr 2022 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Not a question, just a nostalgic observation.

When I change my car in May, it will take away the last option I have to play CDs.


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Can't you get a battery operated CD player like the old cassette player I used to have?
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I'm really not bothered, I'm just amazed that another bit of modern technology that revolutionised our lives follows my betamax video recorder into history.
//I think touch-screens in cars are dangerous;//

Indeed. I think the person who developed a menu-driven multi screen device for controlling various devices in a car that can be accessed by the driver was obviously a lunatic who had never driven a car and who had spent most of his life locked up in some sort of institution (and who should have stayed there).

Equally culpable are the idiots who gave them type approval for use in moving vehicles. They too should be locked up along with those who came up with the idea of so-called "smart" motorways.
I do find it curious that playing with a touch screen to change the ambient lighting in a car is perfectly legal, but putting a phone to your ear is not.
Indeed dd. I understand the need for mobile phone legislation. But I equally understand the need for touch-screen "infotainment" systems legislation.
I still have a Nordmende radio with tubes.
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Upgrade it, the war is over you know.
I just turned it on and heard " Blessent mon coeur d'une langueur monotone."
Most things you can do with the steering wheel though. Well you can on the wifes Jag and my BMW.

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End Of An Era

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