George, my recently deceased moggie, developed epileptic fits in the few days before he went to pussy cat heave. We were both pretty traumatised by the whole event.
Normally I have to say our vets are good, but they seemed to underestimate the effect that the fits were having on both of us. I phoned one at the time, and he made me feel like an over anxious mother. I took him in the next night, and he said that he would adapt. He was about 18, blind and senile - that was enough for him to cope with.
After three days of fits, a terrified moggie and me hitting the emergency supply of valium I went back and the vet (senior partner) was so nice and supportive and agreed that we could not go on as it was. He would be at peace.
I suppose that the vet can go down the line of anti epileptics, but I used to take one of them for my bipolar disorder and it made my hair go curly, very curly.
I wish you all the best whatever happens, it is not only his quality of life you have to consider, but yours too.
and boof boof your dog.