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Are They Related To Me?

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Barsel | 18:01 Sat 23rd Apr 2022 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
My cousins 'grandson and my cousins 'nephew?
Are they related distantly or not at all? TIA.


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Your cousin’s grandson is your first cousin twice removed
google relationship chart. There are loads, but some are easier than others to read. here's just one link to start you off. also read page 2.
Your cousin’s nephew is your first cousin once removed.
Question Author
Thanks for that Cloverjo.
Thanks also to TheWinner for the chart, very interesting.
Your cousin's grandson is def related. You both share an ancestor - albeit different generations.

Your cousin's nephew may or may not be related. If he is the son of a sibling of your cousin. Yes. And in fact would be a first cousin once removed. If they are a nephew of your cousin's spouse then they are related by marriage only.

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