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I should have been given a sticker !!!

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Bobbisox | 12:53 Tue 11th Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
48 Answers
My last visit to the man with the drill (Dentist) just now and I had to laugh when he said
"Ok, Joy, sit up and rinse out, you have been very good" at 64???

He knew of my terror...PMSL

I never got my sticker for my jumper tho :0(


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I haven't had much time to enjoy it yet...Been so busy :o(

Ruby Tuesday I think ;o)
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got thta mazie

now a Thursday one..???
I just gave you 2 Thursday ones on page two
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oops you did, sorry pet...and thanks :-)
Hi Joy,hope you enjoy this. x
it was supposed to be Ruby Wednesday, mazie, Jagger & Richard wrote it wrong.
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even i got the custom stickers for you!

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I should have been given a sticker !!!

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