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Anonymous So Called Whistle Blowers

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saintpeter48 | 08:39 Wed 25th May 2022 | News
26 Answers
Why remain anonymous if you've got something to say, who needs enemies when so called work mates are selling their souls to the media, have the courage of your convictions and come out into the open.
The Panorama programme about 'partygate' last night reminded me of the Markle and the Oprah interview, with Kuenssberg gasping and opened mouthed with some of the answers, it was sickening to watch and the BBC hammering another nail in its coffin.
These leeches that are dishing the dirt with their jackanory stories need to man up, if you've got something to say then say it, don't hide behind a camera, there will be a lot of whispering going on in the office today, 'is it him, is it her', utterly shameful!!
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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At shrow-low the ex army officer said to me " if you speak out, some very unpleasant things will happen to you"
so I spoke out after I had left

and there FIRST came a flood of AB questions - what dis about den? what dis? ( and of course foo! A LOT) and then - - "why hasnt anyone else spoken ? ( ask them) so it must be untrue". AND " we didnt think it could be true until we asked them"(*)
and so when someone said " I wdnt have bothered it wont do any good" - I sortta half agreed.

No I am not talking about the bristol childrens hospital scandal where the lucky whistlle blower spent 10 y in exile in Oz.

(*) I was a little gratified when someone said: we suddenly realised that everything you said was true
I'd expect that some of those that had to open up their wallets and pay out while Boris' got to do it for free are prime candidates.
the privileges of the members of the Pigshead Club roll on and on ( bring you r own pigs head etc)
Why remain anonymous if you've got something to say - asks saintpeter48.
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Have the courage of your convictions!

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