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lynneylou | 11:17 Fri 22nd Sep 2006 | Parenting
12 Answers
Hi, my daughter will be 13 this year and we have always gone ott to make sure we leave presents from santa and stockings etc, even moving a few coals from the fire onto the floor and sprinkling glitter. Should we continue with this until the day my daughter actually comes out with the dreaded ' there's no such thing as..' or should we just stop????

Do other parents have children this age and older who still play along???


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We also have little ones still, 6 months, 4, and 8, but my older kids still love christmas even the ones right up into their 20's, so yeah, do what you're happy doing. She probably doesn't believe anymore but where's the harm if it makes you all happy. I love Christmas :) and so do all my kids, my Jewish wife even gets into the spirit of the non religious bits of it ( prezzies, food etc), so just enjoy yourselves.
She probably has stopped believing already, but teenagers still retain that, 'if only it were true' mentality and she will probably take comfort from not having to act 'grown up' every day of her life. I would suggest you just keep performing your Christmas rituals until she asks you to stop.
my kids love that and they are 12 and 9. makes it all fun.
I would keep on going. DD has sussed it all out but was worried she would get less presents now she knows. I assured her she'll get the same, and she's as devious as us at keeping the fun going along for the rest of the family.
Oh I always leave stockings,mince pies and carrots for Santa and his reindeer......

My friend even splinkles talcum powder on the stairs and then creeps up in her husbands wellies to create snowy footprints!!
Talc - I love that idea :-)

I'm in my 30's and I still ask my dad what he plans to leave out for Santa (it tends to be a large gin and tonic...)
What do you mean 'there's no such thing.............'

No Santa????? Giv' over!
I'm 19 and I love having stockings!! My Mum stopped doing it when we became teenagers, but about 2 years ago she started doing it again because me and my sisters (now 21 and 27) begged her to!

I doubt your daughter still believes in it, but it's just part of teh christmas tradition that is so fun!
Keep it up, no harm in it and its still good fun, why the hell not, there only kids once.
My kids are now 15,17,and 24, but I still put out their stockings, leave carrot for Rudolph and sausy roll, mince pie and a beer for Father Christmas. I love to do it , the kids could'nt care less!!
Santa still comes to our house. Altough me and my sisters don't live at home anymore we all go home to stay christmas eve so santa will come (we're 28,26 and 24). We still do the ritual of getting up about 5 (thats me, cant sleep, too excited!!) and have to put on our dressing gowns and slippers before we can go and look at out stockings.....etc. The day is still the same as it was when we were wee and I love every minute of it. Although my sister got married this year, wonder if her hubbys got a dressing gown.......
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thank you for all your answers, we shall continue to do the usual, although this year will be hard as my eldest daughter left home nov05 and spends xmas with her b'friend and his family and my middle daughter of just 16 now lives with my sister and family and we are not on speaking terms. So to keep it alive etc is going to be hard as my daughter of 13 has, like us, had to do some major adjusting, christmas won't be the same again!!!

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