cant find answer on the web when everything is OFF and i mean everything believe i know how to switch all off timers routers digital clocks etc except the smart meter display of course
but it says im using 15 watts ?
i think I've sussed it (maybe) we have 2 smoke detectors a heat detector, built into the place when we bought it mains powered so guess it could be those
hopkirk, very droll, I've noted your comments are not helpful on other questions on here, i am getting round to it today and on my tablet (no mains power required )battery and mobile data ?
i did check again this morning, only smoke alarms alive, display reading now 38watts with nothing else on ! so switched mains off along with all the breakers,
display zero, turned on one by one the breakers, lighting which is what the detectors are running off = 1 watt central heating timer =2 watts, no increase from other switches so i reckon turning off the mains reset something so I'm satisfied with this result