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Patsy33 | 10:42 Fri 27th May 2022 | Body & Soul
36 Answers
There seems to be a lot of cases of chickenpox at the moment.
My little Grandson came out in a few spots yesterday and feels quite poorly on and off. We just bought some calomine lotion for him. The play grouo he goes to have had several children off with it. I always get confused as to whether you can get shingles from chickenpox or the other way round. Ive had shingles twice. My husband cant remember having chickenpox. We look after him 3/4 days a week. So just wondering..


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Oh dear, Melv!..
They say it's much worse to get chickenpox when you're older.
Patsy33--- sorry for late reply. Been having tea. Yes I have had the vaccine . Wouldn't want to go through that pain again.
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Glad you did Andres. Hopefully, peace of mind.
Had chicken pox when I was 40 years old. It was so bad a friend years later told me that I looked like a monster. It actually left a little hole on the tip of my nose. Don't know whether to get the shingles vac in case same thing happened
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That must have been awful JJ. On NHS, you have to wait till about 72, I think, unless you go private. If you can, I should have the vaccine.
I had shingles once but all it was was a slightly itchy eye - I was very surprised at the diagnosis. But I've had the jab now.
Think here it is 70 some time ago I was booked but there was none in the fridge so never booked again. I am due for bloods test tenth June maybe I will ask again
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Please do, JJ. Shingles is awful.
I'm afraid of the jab giving me shingles
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You were lucky it wasn't worse, Jno. Glad you've had vaccine too.
Hope you are keeping well and bearing up since your bereavement x
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Never heard of anyone catching shingles from the jab, JJ..
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Going to visit my other daughter and granddaughter tomorrow, can anyone tell me if I could be a carrier of chickenpox, as grandaughter hasn't had it and is 7 years old. My daugher asked. I said I didnt know. It will be 3 days since Ive had contact with little grandson. Anyone know please?
Best for granddaughter to get it while she is young. Much milder disease then.
I loved having chickenpox - I only had 5 spots and got time off school!
When I was 69 I developed Shingles - horribly painful and very debilitating, a good 6 weeks before I felt anything like having any energy. So, the week after I hit 70 - I got a Shingles vaccination!
There is a lot of chicken-pox around here as well - it comes in waves.
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Thanks jourdain. I've since found the answer to my question. If you've had chickenpox, which I have, apparently you can't pass it on. My daughter said she couldn't bear to see her little girl afflicted! I told her what you related to me about getting while young, as getting it when older is worse and can make you very ill. My little Grandson got it all in his head too. Poor little darling.
just a follow up - got my Shingles injection after all. Couldn't believe how little it stung. Nurse did say the injection just goes gently under the skin. Now just waiting on results of blood tests.
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Well done, JJ. Glad it didn't hurt you. :-))

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